about 1 month ago
Russia says Syria's Assad has left the country and given orders for a peaceful power handover
6 similar pushes
about 9 hours earlier
Syrian President Bashar Assad has left Damascus to an unknown destination
about 9 hours earlier
رويترز: الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد غادر دمشق إلى وجهة مجهولة
about 9 hours earlier
Syrian President Bashar Assad has left Damascus to an unknown location, two senior army officers say
about 8 hours earlier
Syrian army command tells officers that Assad's rule has ended, officer says
NZ Herald
about 6 hours earlier
War monitor says Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has left the country
Breaking News
3 minutes earlier
Bashar al-Assad has left Syria, Russia says, Damascus falls to rebels. Follow our live coverage.