Poised to win
2 months ago
Donald Trump is on the cusp of claiming victory, after Pennsylvania was called for him
31 similar pushes
US presidential election 2024
about 20 hours earlier
Election too close to call as Harris and Trump vie for Pennsylvania, latest polls show
about 5 hours earlier
馃嚭馃嚫 Crucial battleground states too early to call as Trump holds electoral lead
NBC News projection
about 5 hours earlier
Battleground states Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin are too close to call; Trump wins Ohio. Follow live and watch NBC News NOW.
about 4 hours earlier
诇讗讞专 住驻讬专转 讻诪讞爪讬转 诪讛拽讜诇讜转, 讟专讗诪驻 诪讜讘讬诇 讘诪讚讬谞转 讛诪驻转讞 驻谞住讬诇讘谞讬讛 - 砖注砖讜讬讛 诇住诇讜诇 讗转 讚专讻讜 诇谞讬爪讞讜谉 讘讘讞讬专讜转
about 4 hours earlier
讟专讗诪驻 讘讚专讱 诇谞讬爪讞讜谉 讘诪讚讬谞讜转 讛诪驻转讞 讙'讜专讙'讬讛 讜爪驻讜谉 拽专讜诇讬讬谞讛; 谞讬讜 讬讜专拽 讟讬讬诪住: 住讬讻讜讬 砖诇 87% 砖讬谞爪讞 讘讘讞讬专讜转 | 注讚讻讜谞讬诐 砖讜讟驻讬诐
about 3 hours earlier
讛专驻讜讘诇讬拽讗讬诐 讘讚专讱 诇砖诇讜讟 讘住谞讗讟, 讟专讗诪驻 诪讜讘讬诇 讘驻谞住讬诇讘谞讬讛 讗讞专讬 住驻讬专讛 砖诇 讬讜转专 诪-80% 诪讛拽讜诇讜转 | 注讚讻讜谞讬诐 砖讜讟驻讬诐
about 2 hours earlier
讛专驻讜讘诇讬拽讗讬诐 讛砖讬讙讜 专讜讘 讘住谞讗讟; 讟专讗诪驻 诪诪砖讬讱 诇讛讜讘讬诇 讘驻谞住讬诇讘谞讬讛 讗讞专讬 住驻讬专转 讻诪注讟 90% 诪讛拽讜诇讜转
Key Result
about 1 hour earlier
Trump wins Georgia, making Pennsylvania a must-win for Harris. See the remaining paths to victory.
about 1 hour earlier
Fox News: Donald Trump projected to win Pennsylvania
about 1 hour earlier
驻讜拽住 谞讬讜讝 爪讜驻讬诐 谞讬爪讞讜谉 砖诇 讟专讗诪驻 讘驻谞住讬诇讘谞讬讛; 专讜讬讟专住 拽讘注讜 讻讬 谞讬爪讞 讘讘讞讬专讜转 诇谞砖讬讗讜转
NZ Herald
about 1 hour earlier
Live: Fox News calls battleground state of Pennsylvania for Trump
Newsmax projects Donald Trump
about 1 hour earlier
has won the state of Pennsylvania.
about 1 hour earlier
Trump projected to win Pennsylvania, his third battleground state, says Fox News
27 minutes earlier
Trump on brink of victory - Watch live as he gets ready to speak to supporters
22 minutes earlier
Trump wins Pennsylvania, NBC News projects, breaking the blue battleground wall and pulling closer to a White House win
Breaking news
20 minutes earlier
Trump will win Pennsylvania, a critical swing state, ABC News projects. Watch ABC right now for analysis.
19 minutes earlier
Donald Trump gewinnt wichtigen Swing State Pennsylvania
18 minutes earlier
Election results live updates: Trump wins Pennsylvania, expanding his path to victory
Breaking News
18 minutes earlier
Donald Trump wins Pennsylvania's 19 electoral votes, the top prize among battleground states, CBS News projects.
Breaking News
18 minutes earlier
Donald Trump projected to win crucial state of Pennsylvania, putting him on cusp of US election victory - follow live
馃毃 Trump flips PA
17 minutes earlier
The former president just secured the biggest battleground prize. Pennsylvania was the No. 1 must-win target for both campaigns.
Eilmeldung 馃敶
16 minutes earlier
Trump sichert sich auch Swing State Pennsylvania und steuert auf Sieg zu
CNN Indonesia
15 minutes earlier
94 Persen Suara Masuk, Trump Menang di 'Medan Krusial' Pennsylvania
Sky News
13 minutes earlier
Trump projected to win key Pennsylvania battleground state - as path to victory dwindling for Harris
7 minutes earlier
Donald Trump just 3 electoral votes shy of victory, wins key swing state Pennsylvania, reports US media. Live updates here
Trump's on the cusp
6 minutes earlier
After winning Pennsylvania, the former president is 3 electoral votes away from cementing his path back to the White House
US Election 2024 live
less than a minute earlier
Trump closes in on victory with win in crucial state of Pennsylvania
Key Result
less than a minute earlier
Trump wins Pennsylvania, putting him on the verge of the presidency