3 months ago
馃敶 Hezbollah claims rocket barrage sent to central Israel was aimed at Iron Dome batteries
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IDF says sirens in north and central Israel caused by rockets fired from Lebanon | Live updates
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爪讛"诇: 讝讜讛讜 20 砖讬讙讜专讬诐 讘诪讟讞 诪诇讘谞讜谉, 讞诇拽诐 讬讜专讟讜; 讞讬讝讘讗诇诇讛: 讬专讬谞讜 诇注讘专 讘住讬住 讙诇讬诇讜转 讜讗讝讜专 住讟诇讛 诪讗专讬住 讘讞讬驻讛
about 1 hour earlier
Hezbollah claims responsibility for 20 rockets fired at Tel Aviv, north and central Israel | Live updates