about 1 month ago
Syrian President Bashar Assad has left Damascus to an unknown location, two senior army officers say
8 similar pushes
about 12 hours earlier
כוחות המורדים נגד אסד נכנסו לעיר חומס; דיווח: צבא סוריה החל לסגת מפרברים של הבירה דמשק
about 9 hours earlier
Iran is withdrawing its military commanders from Syria
Breaking News
about 5 hours earlier
Syrian forces abandoned Homs, leaving Bashar al-Assad's rule dangling by a thread with insurgents advancing toward Damascus
about 3 hours earlier
Syrian forces withdraw from key city of Homs as rebels close in on capital Damascus
10 minutes earlier
Syrian President Bashar Assad has left Damascus to an unknown destination
7 minutes earlier
מקורות ביטחוניים בכירים בסוריה: אסד עזב את עיר הבירה דמשק למקום לא ידוע
2 minutes earlier
رويترز: الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد غادر دمشق إلى وجهة مجهولة